Recipes-of-Resistance-WebManchester Film Co-operative and the Palestine Solidarity Campaign would like to invite you to Recipes of Resistance – An Evening of Palestinian Food Film & Solidarity.

This fundraising event shall include the screening of a number of current documentary films on the Palestinian predicament, a cookery demonstration of Hummus & Fattoush followed & communal offering of Palestinian Food. 2 members of Manchester PSC will lead a Q&A session. Funds will also be raised through the sale of DVDs, Palestinian craft and produce. Any takings (after costs) from this fundraising event shall be donated to the PSC.

“Resistance Recipes”  – Official Selection at LONDON PALESTINE FILM FESTIVAL, BRISTOL PALESTINE FILM FESTIVAL, TORONTO PALESTINE FILM FESTIVAL and SHEFFIELD DOC VIDEOTHEQUE – is a 30-minute film (2013) by Dáša Raimanová, a London-based freelance filmmaker originating from Slovakia. Dasa graduated with a BA in Film, Video and Interactive Arts from Middlesex University. Her work explores socio-political topics, generally focussing on the stories of strong women. Her interest is in ordinary people with extra ordinary lives.

“Resistance Recipes” is a short documentary film about sustainable agriculture in the West Bank.  Cuisine has long been a meeting ground for passion and politics in the case of Palestine. Resistance Recipes is a documentary composed of several stories examining culinary and agricultural projects inspired by resistance. Personal and political insights accompany an account of independent eco-farming, a look at a women’s farming and marketing cooperative, and includes a discussion of a buy-local initiative.


The screening of this film is part of a simultaneous screening event organised by Glasgow-based Camcorder Guerrillas & The Radical Film Network’s 2016 Unconference. The aim of this UK-wide “simultaneous screening” event is to generate awareness and solidarity for Palestinian farmers and food producers in the ongoing Middle East conflict, as well as providing an opportunity to further develop the network of groups and organisations keen to use film as a tool to develop awareness and grow community cohesion around important social justice issues. As part of this “simultaneous screening” event , ten other screenings of Resistance Recipes have taken place at Liverpool Radical Film Festival, STEAM in Wigan, P21 Gallery in London, Lush – Oxford Street, London, DeCentre – London, Oban Community Cinema – Argyll, GreenCity – Glasgow, The Stove Network – Dumfries, Velocity Cafe – Inverness, Medway Palestinian Support Group – Medway. Other film screenings include: 2 poems by Ratif Ziadah, “Jameela’s Kitchen”(10m), footage of the current conditions for Palestinian women and Children in the West Bank & Gaza.

The evening will end with a public Q&A led by Linda Clair and Norma Turner who are active members of Manchester Palestine Solidarity Campaign; the Boycott Israel Network and Northern Women for Palestine.


Date: Saturday 11th June.

Doors: Doors at 19:00.

Entry: Solidarity (optional) £7, Regular £5, Cyclist, £4. Student/low wage £3, Unwaged: donation.

Pre-book: Tickets can also be purchased online here.

Venue: Yard Theatre, 41 Old Birley Street, Hulme, Manchester. M15 5RF.

groundswellManchester Flim Co-op and Keep Our NHS Public Greater Manchester are proud to present the world premiere of “Groundswell: A Grassroots Journey” by acclaimed director John Furse with Q+A.

‘Groundswell’ follows grassroots NHS campaign “999 Call For The NHS” in the run-up to the General Election in May 2015 and during its aftermath. It reveals anger and disillusionment with the state of our political system. Featuring Corbyn, Green MP Caroline Lucas and former Shadow Health Secretary Andy Burnham it’s a film that covers a tipping point in Britain’s political landscape “a fight not just for the NHS but for our Nation’s soul”.

Starting with Darlington working mum Joanna Adams sending out a tweet from her living room. It ends with the campaign group she founded leading thousands into Trafalgar Square at the culmination of the group’s 300-mile Jarrow to London People’s March For The NHS in September 2014. Their March was a journey of struggle and hope. But it was also a journey that took them into the darker recesses of British democracy as they were confronted by the machinations of the party politics they defied.

Independently made by a team including some of the leading documentarists of the last 40 years, it is both a personal and moving journey and a searing indictment of our media driven corporate political system.  The screening will be followed by a question and answer session with the director John Furse also a special guest from 999 Call for the NHS.

Date: Tuesday the 1st of March.

Doors: Doors at 19:00, screening to begin at 19:30.

Entry: Solidarity £7, Regular £5, Cyclist £4,  Low Waged £3, Unwaged – Donation

Venue: The Britons Protection, 50 Great Bridgewater Street, Manchester, M1 5LE

tceJust ahead of the culmination of the Paris COP21 conference on 11 Dec 2015 Manchester Film Co-op, in partnership with Manchester A Certain FutureGlobal Justice Now & Manchester Friends of the Earth, are delighted to announce our screening of This Changes Everything, the 2015 documentary conveying Naomi Klein’s positive visionary call to climate action.

The post-screening discussion will be led by MFC’s three screening partners. It is one of a series of MACF events that have been happening in Manchester since September 2015, in the run up to and in parallel with the UN Climate Change Negotiations in Paris (November 30 to December 11).


Date: Monday the 7th of December.

Doors: Doors at 19:00, screening to begin at 19:30.

Entry: Tickets available in advance online, or on the door.

Venue: Yard Theatre, 41 Old Birley Street, Hulme, Manchester. M15 5RF.